A visit to Alnwick Castle is always a treat, I really enjoy taking people there because there is so much of interest to see and experience. My favourite part of the Castle is the interior - the sheer opulence of the State Rooms is breathtaking. I would love to spend a whole day just admiring and studying the paintings, the furnishings and the decorations, and talking to the room guides. But frustratingly, I find that my visitors often move through very quickly, hardly stopping to look at anything, and obviously I have to keep up with them!
I think for many families the main reason for visiting Alnwick Castle, aka Hogwarts, is to show their kids the locations of scenes from the Harry Potter films. The only trouble is the kids think they are going to the "real" Hogwarts and are usually disappointed when they can't see the whole "school" and don't get to meet Harry Potter and friends in person.

For some time there has been a tour available which shows people the various filming locations around the Castle. It was originally called the Harry Spotter tour, which I thought was a great name, but is now called Battleaxe to Broomsticks.
But now there is an additional attraction for fans of Harry Potter - some of the characters from the films are being brought to life on various dates through the summer. I was there with a family on Thursday April 12th, and actors playing Harry Potter and Hagrid were giving an impromptu performance, interacting with the audience in an entertaining and humorous way. As you can see from the photo to the right, Hagrid cut quite an impressive figure, truly larger than life.
After their performance, I was impressed with the way the actors patiently posed for photos with all the family groups, so the kids could go home happy that they had met the characters from the films and had the proof to show all their friends.